Hot Line   +959-790500500, +959-795000007
We are the best supplier

After sales & maintenance service

After sales & maintenance service 

Maintenance and repair: BWT's maintenance and service department is available to you for any repair or service request. We can provide you after-sale service, on-site repair and maintenance. We can also maintain your unit as part of warranty service. If on-site repair cannot be performed the unit can be send back to our factory for a complete repair or overhaul. If the product is out of warranty and purchased from some other dealers , we are still providing decent maintenance service with our technician for no service fees.

Consulting Service


We offer the following consulting service to our clients:

A full range of agriculture and forestry machinery technical services from people who have been in your shoes, speak your language, and can handle high pressure situations.

Machinery solutions with a unique synthesis of:

End-user, spare parts and research knowledge, plus

A responsive and flexible team dedicated to the client’s welfare, providing transparent solutions that the client can understand and learn from for the future.

About Us

BWT Company is established as one of the leaders in the industry for our marketing strategies. We continue to market our product in numerous monthly trade publications. Our strength lies in our ability to supply top of the line late-model equipment and deploy it rapidly to wherever our customer's project is located.

Main Office

  Ta Pin Shwe Htee Street, Taungoo City.


 info (@)

Taungoo Office

  No.50, Yangon - Mandalay Road, Mingyinyo Quarter, Taungoo


 info (@)

Mandalay Office

  Pyi Kyi Ta Khon Township, Machinery Zone 2, Mandalay.

  +959-792002007 +959-792002008, +959-792002009

 info (@)