Hot Line   +959-790500500, +959-795000007
We are the best supplier

Combine Harvester and Spare Parts

Kubota DC-70 (G)

Dc 70G

KUBOTA’s turbocharged diesel engine with direct injection

Delivering horsepower of 70. Fuel
economy: consuming 3-4 litres of
fuel per rai.

Multi-function control lever

With the special feature of multi-function lever, control is at fingertips. The height of the header set can be raised, lower, or moved to left or right with a single control lever. The combine is built to harvest a maximum of 25 rais of crop per day without leaving damage on rice fields. With this attribute, crop

Kubota DC 105X

Length x Width x Height - 5,640 x 3,045 x 2,800 mm.
Height under the car - 400 mm.
Body Weight - 4630 kg.
The engine 
engine code - V3800DI-TI
engine - Diesel four-cylinder, direct-injection applications, cooled water.
Displacement - 3769 cc.
Rated output - 105 hp / 2600 rev / min.
Tank capacity - 105 liters
Crawler length x width touch the ground - 575 x 1,900 mm.

Kubota DC-95

Private Automatic Balance System submarine mud, hydraulic lifting system, the pallets can easily recover itself continuously by balancing the body smooth and fast cutting table and allows you to format and italic rice makes your struggle. DC-95GM Rice Harvest Machine
- Private Automatic Balance System submarine mud, hydraulic lifting system, the pallets can easily recover itself continuously by balancing the body smooth and fast cutting table and allows you to format and italic rice makes your struggle.

About Us

BWT Company is established as one of the leaders in the industry for our marketing strategies. We continue to market our product in numerous monthly trade publications. Our strength lies in our ability to supply top of the line late-model equipment and deploy it rapidly to wherever our customer's project is located.

Main Office

  Ta Pin Shwe Htee Street, Taungoo City.


 info (@)

Taungoo Office

  No.50, Yangon - Mandalay Road, Mingyinyo Quarter, Taungoo


 info (@)

Mandalay Office

  Pyi Kyi Ta Khon Township, Machinery Zone 2, Mandalay.

  +959-792002007 +959-792002008, +959-792002009

 info (@)