Hot Line   +959-790500500, +959-795000007
We are the best supplier

Diesel Engines

RT110Di Hi-Speed Plus, RT140Di Hi-Speed Plus, RT110Di Hi-Speed ES Plus
and RT140Di Hi-Speed ES Plus
The pistons employs a deep troidal bowl type, to allow the intake air to swirl in the bowl quicker and smoother. It also permits the precise ratio of intake air and fule mixture to take effect, resulting in complete combustion. The process enhances the engine output, and increases level of torque when operating at a low speed by 3 to 5%.


About Us

BWT Company is established as one of the leaders in the industry for our marketing strategies. We continue to market our product in numerous monthly trade publications. Our strength lies in our ability to supply top of the line late-model equipment and deploy it rapidly to wherever our customer's project is located.

Main Office

  Ta Pin Shwe Htee Street, Taungoo City.


 info (@)

Taungoo Office

  No.50, Yangon - Mandalay Road, Mingyinyo Quarter, Taungoo


 info (@)

Mandalay Office

  Pyi Kyi Ta Khon Township, Machinery Zone 2, Mandalay.

  +959-792002007 +959-792002008, +959-792002009

 info (@)